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What Is SaaS? Software As A Service Explained (In 9 Minutes)

What does SaaS stand for? More importantly, what does it mean? In this video, I explain the definition of SaaS, why entrepreneurs are creating SaaS businesses and why SaaS is so valuable.

Exclusive Resource: Idea to Exit Mini-Course™ – Learn How To Build a Product Without Spending Money & True Customer Validation –

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I’m super pumped.


The other day, my life-long buddy Martin asked me:

“Uh, Dan… what exactly is a SaaS?”

I think he was a bit embarrassed to ask.

He knows I’m a SaaS coach and that I’ve been building companies in this business model for 23 years, but he never really understood what that meant.

I began raving about why I freakin’ LOVE the SaaS business model.

…how it’s getting 40% year-on-year growth.

…why valuations are 5x to 10x top-line revenue (while other businesses get as low as 0.7x)

…how the SaaS model makes an average 87% gross margins.

I mean, these are the facts that make any entrepreneur’s jaw drop!

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is easily the hottest business model in the 21st century with massive opportunities for growth.

So, for Martin (and anyone else scratching their head), I’m SO PUMPED to show you this new video where I share my love and passion for SaaS.

If you’ve ever been curious about what exactly I do, this video will help.

I coach SaaS founders, the people that start these software companies and turn their ideas into living, breathing businesses.

I help them steer clear of the mistakes that send a SaaS startup to the graveyard…

So they can benefit from this booming, lucrative industry…

And so they are rewarded for their hard work…

As someone that spends every day optimizing this business model, I made this video to share what I love about this industry to anyone in it or outside of it.

It’s like standing at the peak of a mountain and admiring the view.

We are in a fascinating industry.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it.

Dan “SaaS obsessed” Martell

Don't forget to share this entrepreneurial advice with your friends, so they can learn too:

Contents of this video:

00:00 – Intro
02:00 – “What is SaaS?”
03:03 – “Why is it New?”
05:11 – “Why is it Preferred?”
07:42 – “Why is it Growing?”
09:50 – Recap


“You can only keep what you give away.” That’s the mantra that’s shaped Dan Martell from a struggling 20-something business owner in the Canadian Maritimes (which is way out east) to a successful startup founder who’s raised more than $3 million in venture funding and exited not one… not two… but three tech businesses: Clarity.fm, Spheric, and Flowtown.

You can only keep what you give away. That philosophy has led Dan to invest in 33+ early stage startups such as Udemy, Intercom, Unbounce, and Foodspotting. It’s also helped him shape the future of Hootsuite as an advisor to the social media tour de force.

An activator, a tech geek, an adrenaline seeker and, yes, a romantic (ask his wife Renee), Dan has recently turned his attention to teaching startups a fundamental, little-discussed lesson that directly impacts their growth: how to scale. You’ll find not only incredible insights in every moment of every talk Dan gives – but also highly actionable takeaways that will propel your business forward. Because Dan gives freely of all that he knows. After all, you can only keep what you give away.

Exclusive Resource: Idea to Exit Mini-Course™ – Learn How To Build a Product Without Spending Money & True Customer Validation –



  1. Jon Browne

    Dan, I’m just getting into your videos and want to start my own SaaS but I’m not sure where to start in your videos. Do you have a suggested playlist I should listen and follow to go from ground zero: just the idea to ~30 something employees?

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