What are SaaS, PaaS and IaaS in Cloud technology? [With example]
In this video, one friend is helping other friend to understand different cloud services i.e. SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. This video has been created as part of Foetron Cloud Academy's awareness campaign to educate youth as well as young professionals about latest IT technologies such as Cloud Services. In order to understand what is cloud, you can watch this video
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not cleared fully paas & saas please help me to understand
Great example.
It’s a great video. Good work guys. The examples provided were perfect and easy to understand. Keep up the going!
It was a very nice video. Things were explained perfectly. Good work!
Great videos guys. Looking forward for more such videos.
Very well explained. Good video.
Hatts off you both …:)
you guys explained well.
Awesome example ?good job guys
Explanation Technique :11 /10
Wow ! Now my exam will be good thankyou ?? ? ??
Great explained..very easy to learn and understand..
keep it up ;well explained
It was really a nice video and easily explains the differences.
wonderfully explained guys.
SAAS best e.x would be wynk application by airtel – wynk is like a rental service in which we pay and get the service , the data will be automatically synced to your cloud account of airtel which will let you know what all songs were there in your list incase you loose your device.
Paas – best e.x. would be Dotnet and SQL it provides a platform to the development people to develop their application/ software and later on hosting it.
IAAS:- everything will be in the customers end including servers, networking, etc can be called as inhouse solution.
Can you share more same knowledge about IAAS…
Realllyyy guys….awesome explanation…
Thanks for the info
Great Example