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Tried-and-Tested Script For Preselling Your B2B SaaS Product

Funding your next project without digging into your own pocket? In this video, I want to share with you how to pre-sell your software product to fund its development, script and flow included.

Exclusive Resource: Idea to Exit Mini-Course – Learn How To Build a Product Without Spending Money & True Customer Validation –

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Pre-selling your software before you’ve even built it is a very attractive idea.

Think about it: You get people to buy a concept, take that money and use it to build the software, and then you launch it to everyone else.

…All with no money out-of-pocket.

But the reality of actually PITCHING the pre-sell is hard! I mean, how do you get someone to buy into an idea based on the few minutes you spend with them?

Well, this week’s video is gonna save you a lot of pain, because I’m giving you the exact script you can use for your next pitch.

Essentially, there are two distinct parts to this pitch.

The first will get them to practically describe what your product should do, and the second will help you get a real commitment from a potential customer.

There’s 5 stages you’ll want to move through for this pre-sell pitching style, and it’s like this for a reason. They are:

1. Early Adopters Filter
2. Offer The Value
3. Part 1: Customer Development
4. Part 2: Pre-Sell
5. Take The Money

This bullet list doesn’t do it justice. Part 1 and Part 2 work together (obviously) and they are where the real magic happens.

Even if you don’t get a buyer everytime, which – let’s be honest – will happen, you’ll still walk away with AWESOME insights into what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong and how to make your software the best it can be.

When you start to approach pitching this way, it’s actually… fun.

Rather than fearing rejection, you can safely know that it doubles as customer research… and only good things can come from that.

Don’t skip out on this video. If money is an obstacle to reaching your software’s potential, then this could really make a difference.

And leave me a comment under the video to let me know what your experience with pitching has been.

Dan “pitching for gold” Martell

Don't forget to share this entrepreneurial advice with your friends, so they can learn too:


“You can only keep what you give away.” That’s the mantra that’s shaped Dan Martell from a struggling 20-something business owner in the Canadian Maritimes (which is waaay out east) to a successful startup founder who’s raised more than $3 million in venture funding and exited not one… not two… but three tech businesses: Clarity.fm, Spheric and Flowtown.

You can only keep what you give away. That philosophy has led Dan to invest in 33+ early stage startups such as Udemy, Intercom, Unbounce and Foodspotting. It’s also helped him shape the future of Hootsuite as an advisor to the social media tour de force.

An activator, a tech geek, an adrenaline junkie and, yes, a romantic (ask his wife Renee), Dan has recently turned his attention to teaching startups a fundamental, little-discussed lesson that directly impacts their growth: how to scale. You’ll find not only incredible insights in every moment of every talk Dan gives – but also highly actionable takeaways that will propel your business forward. Because Dan gives freely of all that he knows. After all, you can only keep what you give away.

Exclusive Resource: Idea to Exit Mini-Course – Learn How To Build a Product Without Spending Money & True Customer Validation –



  1. groenhondkat

    Great video Dan, really enjoyed that. Just one question. Do you open by saying you are looking at building a software solution for XYZ before going into the value exchange conversation (sharing 3 lessons learnt from talking to similar companies) or do you just stick to value exchange talktrack without telling them what you do?

  2. Andrew Sheves

    Hey Dan, I’ve been taking a break from my SAAS and not watching your videos for a while but I just tuned in and BOOM! you’re still here sharing such great content. Thank you!
    There’s so much BS online masquerading as value but this is the real thing. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Chris Anderson

    Great video Dan, thanks. Quick question: to offer the prospect value from what you’ve learned and get them on the phone, you need to have spoken to other prospects to get this info. How do you enter this cycle starting fresh and how do you take the conversation in call part 1 from learning about them to also telling them / giving them the value they originally signed up for or vice versa? Thanks

    1. Po Ming Lam

      I asked myself this question as well. I thought maybe we can start by telling them we already did quite some research and we could offer that to get the ball rolling… Dan, how do you approach it?

  4. Curran Van Waarde

    Great video, Dan!

    This is super helpful because my MVP is built, but there are still quite a few features in development, so calling it an “early adopter program” rather than “beta” is great phrasing…

    Beta sounds like it’s not really ready yet, but early adopter program sounds like less of a sell and more of an enrollment (as you said). Also sounds like it primes them to give you as much feedback as possible especially if they’re paying for the whole year upfront

    I have a few customers already, but definitely going to implement this to get more active users who can give good feedback on what’s actually important to build


  5. Nico Zarris

    Hey Dan, great episode. I have a feeling that this can be applied as well for service based subscription business. But the only difference with that is the pricing. Since it’s a service. The pricing goes from $400 – $900 per month. Is it still a good idea to collect the 50% off early adopter payment for 12 months? Thanks you so much

  6. Philipp S

    Hey Dan, great roundup for pre-selling. Heard one or another thing in another video from you.
    Sounds so easy if you tell it like that.

    I’d love to have an example for B2C in the next video or videos. B2B sounds so logic and problem-oriented. How would I convince a stressed out mum to get on a 10 minute call with me? I don’t think she would like to learn how other mums would have solved her problem?

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