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TOP 3 Tips on How to Sell Software in Tech Sales, SaaS Sales Like a PRO

Discover the TOP 3 Tips on How to Sell Software and How to Sell Technology in Tech Sales, SaaS Sales, Software As a Service Like a PRO.

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0:00 TOP 3 Tips on How to Sell Software in Tech Sales, SaaS Sales Like a PRO
0:32 Step #1: Listen to Your Customers' Problems
2:14 Step #2: Create a Dream Scenario
3:51 Step #3: Offer Help

In this video, we'll learn the Top 3 Tips on How to Sell Software and How to Sell Saas Software in Tech Sales, Saas Sales, B2B Sales. We'll cover the 3 Step Process to Sales that Will Improve Your B2B Sales Techniques. The first step to Software Sales is To Listen to Your Customers' Problems. The second step to sell Saas Software As a Service is to Create a Dream Scenario. Lastly, the final step of the Saas Sales Process is to Offer Help.

#saassales #techsales #softwareasaservice

Patrick Dang is an international sales trainer who started his career at Oracle in Silicon Valley and quickly became one of the top performers in North America in just one year.

After gaining experience in both the enterprise and startup world, Patrick began sharing his knowledge of modern sales students worldwide.

Since then, Patrick has trained over 100,000 students across 150 countries on topics on how to start a career in sales, business development, lead generation, cold email, LinkedIn, cold calling, and sales skills.

Patrick's vision is to inspire others to pursue their dreams and provide the knowledge and tools to make those dreams a reality.

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  1. Liridon

    This is super helpful and very appreciated, Patrick. Could you make a video where you put all these tips into a coldcall example, from start to a set meeting? Would be nice to see you ask the right questions and overcome some typical objections and finally setting the meeting.

  2. Hermance Fotchine

    Hi Patrick ! Is it possible to pay your sales legacy course within 3 payments instalments ? (With 1st part upfront of course) I’m junior switching from B2c (Saas) to B2b (Saas) and your course look like gold ! I send an email since couple days to your email address but never yet get a reply. Hope I’m not disturbing ?

  3. Chris Bussing

    Talk less and listen more is such a good tip! Reminds me of habit 5 from “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”-“Seek First To Understand, Then Be Understood”

    Also love “get the customer to pain their dream scenario in their own words” ?

  4. Tamar Ben Dor

    Hey Patrick. How do you get your foot in the door without even explaining your value? Isn’t the added value I can provide a prospect the only reason they’ll listen to me in the first place?

  5. Alansari

    Great video, a lot of what you covered in this video is related to presale teams more than the salespeople. It’s important to engage presales in the discovery sessions for them to be able to demonstrate an accurate SaaS application

  6. 林佳瑩

    Thank you Patrick this is very helpful. Can you please make a video to tell us a questions list that we should ask to potential clients and explore where is their pain points and explore more needs from them?

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