SaaS Marketing: 17 Tactics To Add To Your Strategy
"What tactics should I test to grow my SaaS business?"
This is a question I get asked over and over again from the founders I meet with, so I thought it made sense to record a video for it.
In no particular order, these are the 17 most common tactics I recommend to boost conversations and top-of-the-funnel leads. Regardless of what stage you’re at or who your customer is, I know one of these tactics will be relevant to you.
In no particular order:
1. Free tools & educational content (0:35)
2. Offer free trial or capture email before asking for payment (1:16)
3. Identify ideal customer (2:01)
4. Foundational inbound marketing effort (2:49)
5. Add CTA to top of blog and maybe even remove top navigation to collect email addresses (3:43)
6. Focus on service and the customer (4:30)
7. Remember that the product is the marketing and word of mouth advertising (5:22)
8. Publish and industry report (6:37)
9. Competitor comparison pages (7:30)
10. Answer relevant questions on Quora (8:15)
11. Guest blogging (9:15)
12. Co-marketing and joint webinars (10:06)
13. Live chat and chat bots (11:07)
14. Befriend influencers (12:25)
15. Create an email nurture sequence (14:19)
16. Focus on one or two top marketing channels (15:00)
17. Don’t take everything you read at face value (16:11)
Bonus Tip number 18. More YouTube channels should put timestamps for top x lists in the description.
“I’m coming for you Neil.” Ha!
battle of the patels 🙂
Nice listout you have. Do you have any information on SaaS email marketing automation?
Quality video head and shoulders above everything else on YouTube
Good stuff. Last point is so true.
Sujan Patel Always always deliver quality tips
i need a list .. so long..
@Sujan Patel
Is *Neil Patel* your brother?
I’ve seen small success with chat, but only when you have live, well-informed sales reps in the other end. Anyone who converts through a chat bot is just a lead that would have otherwise converted through a regular form. Additionally, all the chat vendors out there add unnecessarily heavy and slow CSS and JavaScript. Some of them use a horrible iframe. I always have to remove it from mobile entirely. I prefer to just have good CTAs with fast-loading forms and a really responsive sales team.
Good stuff mate. Thanks
Fantastic compilation. Had it in watch later for a while. Shared it within my company.
Ps: According to data, you are indeed coming after Neil. Keep up the good work Buddy 🙂
Good stuff.