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SaaS Marketing: 17 Tactics To Add To Your Strategy

"What tactics should I test to grow my SaaS business?"

This is a question I get asked over and over again from the founders I meet with, so I thought it made sense to record a video for it.

In no particular order, these are the 17 most common tactics I recommend to boost conversations and top-of-the-funnel leads. Regardless of what stage you’re at or who your customer is, I know one of these tactics will be relevant to you.



  1. freak3dot

    In no particular order:
    1. Free tools & educational content (0:35)
    2. Offer free trial or capture email before asking for payment (1:16)
    3. Identify ideal customer (2:01)
    4. Foundational inbound marketing effort (2:49)
    5. Add CTA to top of blog and maybe even remove top navigation to collect email addresses (3:43)
    6. Focus on service and the customer (4:30)
    7. Remember that the product is the marketing and word of mouth advertising (5:22)
    8. Publish and industry report (6:37)
    9. Competitor comparison pages (7:30)
    10. Answer relevant questions on Quora (8:15)
    11. Guest blogging (9:15)
    12. Co-marketing and joint webinars (10:06)
    13. Live chat and chat bots (11:07)
    14. Befriend influencers (12:25)
    15. Create an email nurture sequence (14:19)
    16. Focus on one or two top marketing channels (15:00)
    17. Don’t take everything you read at face value (16:11)

    Bonus Tip number 18. More YouTube channels should put timestamps for top x lists in the description.

  2. George Asimakos

    I’ve seen small success with chat, but only when you have live, well-informed sales reps in the other end. Anyone who converts through a chat bot is just a lead that would have otherwise converted through a regular form. Additionally, all the chat vendors out there add unnecessarily heavy and slow CSS and JavaScript. Some of them use a horrible iframe. I always have to remove it from mobile entirely. I prefer to just have good CTAs with fast-loading forms and a really responsive sales team.

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