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IAAS, PAAS and SAAS in AWS | Lec 2 | How Cloud Works | Virtualization layers in AWS CLoud

This is second lecture of my AWS Series.in this lecture, i explained,Deployment models and Service models of cloud.

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Bhupinder Rajput Sir is having 8 Years of Experience in the field of technical trainings in entire india.
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Technical Guftgu Team



  1. Susmit Raval

    Truly authentic way…your teaching style has made me learn everything -you have provided for us for students and for working professionals who want to enhance their skills…Shukriya dil se sir ji

  2. Sanjeev Kumar

    I have started AWS course in this lockdown time from your channel. I hope my AWS course will be completed from your channel and will no need to be join any center to complete the course.
    Thank you for your support…

  3. raj kori

    Sir, Does AWS use Citrix hypervisor or some Openstack for its cloud formation? In short, just want to know Clouds base is Virtualization, so Virtulization here is due to Hypervisor or Openstack kind of tool. Please explain.

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