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  1. Shanika Weerasundara

    Why you should sound good. Such an important point. Reach and qualify are the hardest steps. If that is done and you fail to close, your sales process sucks! Amazing insight. Learned a ton. Superb presentation!

  2. Jasko Besic

    This guy..
    Talks about “the way you sound” whilst sounding like the biggest jerk on planet earth.
    Sorry Eli, but think about the way you sound presenting this. And this example is one of your “nice” ones.
    Yelling your message out does not make it any more valid.

  3. Alexandre Martini

    dude, it’s 2018!!! i don’t care how good your product is… i don’t even care if you are calling me to give me one million dollars… i will not give attention to sales people on the telephone.

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