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How I Make $90,000/Month With SaaS (Software As A Service)

Here is exactly how I built a $90,000/month SaaS company without writing any code..
Check it out here ➡️

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I've spent the last 3 years building a saas business & it's been the most challenging thing i've ever done.. Building a micro saas startup is one of the most lucrative business ideas you can do. Here's how I came up with my saas ideas – exactly what is saas & saas marketing tips + how I got to where we are at today.



  1. Alan

    People don’t realise how much money it takes to build softwares. Good that you are making people aware. I own a similar software as your, in this highly competitive industry and it’s really difficult to make money with SAAS. It’s good that you have scaled it so well. Congrats. Keep making content.

  2. A-M-P

    I love how straight forward and open you’re. I recently had a business fail myself with a friend of several years and the friendship also suffered as a result making us strangers again.

    Never go into ideas on emotions, it never ends well. If you have conviction bet big.

    Cheers to your success Jordan and the nuggets of gold you shower us with!

  3. Noah Mincis

    Gotta say, this video was well timed. I’m thinking of creating my own software and there is almost no info online that talks about it from the perspective of not knowing how to code.

    1. AJProTech - IoT design studio

      Having tech partner (CTO or a dev team) would probably make sense, once you prove the concept. To begin with, there are tools allowing you to build MVP with minimal efforts. Look for “no code” platforms, there are a few of those out there.

      If you need assistance, you may ask Jordan for our contact info

    2. Adam Madden

      Bro the “No-Code” resources out there is DEEP! The whole No-Code world is so insane right now, there’s 15 new no-code tools and 100 helpful online communities around learning to leverage “no-code” or “low-code” that’s being published daily, literally every single day..

      Hope you find what you’re looking for and you find success in whatever you build!

      – Adam M

  4. Mrs Deborah

    Great video. you’ve remind me of what someone once said? “The mind is the man, the poor is in it and the rich is it too”. This sentence is the secret of most successful investors. I once attended similar and ever since then i been waxing strong financially, and i most tell you the truth.

    1. Marilyn Danielle

      @Marie Denise The best investment strategy is good management.I have been in bitcoin for the past 1years and I’ve been earning through a broker and I will recommend expert Anthony harp to anyone who has success in mind trading bitcoin.

  5. Elax Helm

    Love to see this bro. Thinking about joining the vault myself but I am going to see what I am able to do on my own. Your videos have for sure helped some questions I have at times! Would love to see where your software gets too. I program a bit myself and work in IT so I can imagine the challenges your team must have faced just from that end!

  6. Thomas Johnson

    I’m happy for your success, but as a dev with years of industry experience who owns a coding agency that employs foreign devs, I have to chime in: $10-30k/month and $100k+ overall for an application was nothing short of you being taken advantage of.

    1. Thomas Johnson

      @Curiosity Shop You’re absolutely right. I actually get clients frequently who’ve spent piles on foreign developers just to have to turn around and hire an American to clean it up. That isn’t to say all are bad by any means, but without the experience and know-how, it’s nothing more than rolling the dice.

    2. Curiosity Shop

      Well if it it’s making 90K a month then it wasn’t that bad of an investment. Those foreign guys for the money don’t usually do a good job. I hired a few and spent thousands and got below average results on a software project.

    3. Jordan Welch

      To be fair they only quoted me around 30k but I kept changing stuff and also had a whole team working on product research, video ads & copywriting that I was paying around $7k a month. It added up quickly bro haha

  7. Debt2Millionaire

    Jeeez that was a good video! Just discovered your channel – subbed. Also, you saying to think about what problems people in your world have has given me an idea for a SaaS that I’m going to develop. Luckily, I’m a software engineer so can develop it myself without $$$. Thanks Jordan

  8. Ilinca Mihai

    Hello Jordan, first of all congrats for 200k subscribers! I have some questions for you about dropshipping 🙂
    1. what was your biggest revenue in one month?
    2.do many people make over 400k revenue a month?? (or an average percentage, anything)
    3.from what point you need an employee to help you with your store?
    I hope you are not upset because I am asking you but you are the best person that I can ask, thanks in advance


    Thanks for this video. I have a SaaS stuck at around 10k per month and I was about to pour thousands into fb/ig ads when my YouTube channel is definitely my bread and butter. So I know what I’ll be doing going forward

  10. Mounish Dholakia

    I have come here to learn SaaS. what it’s worth is and how to setup passive incomes. I quite the developer world some years back due to bad luck of encountering companies who didn’t want to pay well for web and app development. I would like to consider a comeback with a fresher perspective, focus, motivation and guidance – so here I am.

  11. Mona banda

    I’m very impressed with what u have done for your age, that said I have tried many things not understanding total price involved in doing so and lost money chasing ideas with no help. A lot of people out there offer u their ideas to make money in the end not so is as clear as they make it, if I could have that one chance to build a business to help my family would be great. I just want to say that if u ever need it can help someone get started then think of me I’m a care take off my mother and work to make sure she does without, so again thanks for your videos that are informative

  12. WayToAesthetic

    im a software dev and i watch ecommerce videos . especialyl from u jordan, i have to say respect that u are such an honest person, really! i really like the idea of SaaS its really one of the best business models right now when it comes to scaling. The thing is you need an idea what you can implement, thats missing for me right now 😛

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