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How I Made $30k a Month With SaaS (Software as a Service)

Here are the exact steps I took to grow my SaaS product from the ground up to $30,000/month. If you're wondering how to go from nothing to generating passive income with SaaS products, this video will help break down the essential steps to get your software business producing MRR or ARR faster.
Welcome to MicroConf – Where Independent SaaS Founders Launch, Meet, Learn, and Grow! MicroConf is the world’s most trusted community for bootstrapped SaaS founders.

MicroConf is a community of SaaS founders that brings together bootstrapped and independently-funded B2B SaaS companies who are not looking to chase “unicorn status'' or venture capital.

We provide SaaS training, education and networking opportunities for other founders who are pre-product, focused on scaling their business, and looking for an exit strategy.

MicroConf began almost a decade ago. Since then, we’ve hosted 19 events with nearly 200 speakers, helped thousands of attendees, and impacted tens of thousands more through our videos and online community.

Ready to take your SaaS startup to the next level? Check these out:

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    1. M A

      SsSs is a great book, and most of it still actual, but Chapter 2, part about tools needs to be rewritten; aside that RWalling devised a new approach SSA, Steady-step approach

  1. L S

    Hello, are there 2020, 2021 videos for sale on the Microconf site, or have they been uploaded to YouTube? I’d like to do a learn as I go type strategy but do you have recommendations on where to start with your content? I’m currently reading Start Small Stay Small and I’m subscribed to Trendz. I have ideas, but I’m trying to learn to validate, pick a niche and execute on an idea.

    1. Carlos A.

      I own a couple SaaS applications.. Programming language doesn’t matter until you really start scaling and your customers don’t care as long as it’s running properly. But all my SaaS applications use PHP

  2. El Mavinio

    Really respect the amount of experience you gained and the hardship you went through… on the one hand it’s very motivating to hear your story but also intimidating I have to admit. Thanks for your content

  3. Grow with Will - SEO, Sales & Entrepreneurship

    Redirecting your funnels and redesigning your website’s are great tips! Thanks for the helpful video. As always, I enjoy learning a thing or two from your videos!

  4. Casper Rubæk

    How much did you pay to specifically solve infrastructure, backend and frontend from your contractors? And where did you host it? Also why did you decide upon that business with lots of competitors? And what did you build before you purchased hit tail?

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