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Developing Your App, From Front to Back (Building a SaaS, Part 2)

Building a SaaS isn't easy. It involves coding in so many different areas of business. There's things to focus on like frontend, UI/UX, backend, billing, authentication, and much more. In part 2 of this webinar series, we'll take a look at what it takes to create a SaaS and start gaining paid customers. We'll recommend specific technologies: leveraging systems you run yourself, as well as managed options that can help you bring your idea to market faster.

About the Presenter
Chris on Code is the founder of Scotch.io, a popular JavaScript tutorial site. He is also the Web Community Manager at DigitalOcean. Chris has a strong focus on JAMstack since it is the fastest and most productive way we can create our sites and applications.

Check out 2 more videos in this "Building a SaaS" series:
– Customer-Driven Product Development:
– Scaling Your Apps for Growth With DigitalOcean Kubernetes:

#SaaS #DigitalOcean #BuildingaSaaS

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  1. Adityo Pratomo

    Thanks for the idea Chris! Very well conveyed and I think it’s a nice approach, looking forward to experimenting with JAMstack for SaaS over the weekend. Feel bad for the crashed demo, but many of us who have done similar activity must’ve been in the same situation one way or another.

  2. Jonas Jonaitis

    The guy was completely unprepared – lots of ideas ‘on the fly’ (very unprofessional), no consistency, started to answer some random useless questions in the middle of the talk and the cherry on the cake was when he decided to share user and password live, because everyone in this world are pure and innocent and with good intentions only and there is no way someone would hack his account in 30 seconds. Yeah right. Welcome to reality. Dude is complete snowflake.

  3. Kennedy Mwenda

    I’d rather take time and build everything from scratch rather than constantly receive traumatizing invoices in my inbox. Service suspension,unpredictable billings and all the horrors.

    I love the DHH ideology. Sticking to traditional approaches not jumping to new norms for the sake of it o just because everybody is doing it.

  4. King Programmer

    A lot of hot air. The content can be compressed to about 15 minutes. You wouldn’t lose anything if you start the video at 27:00. Please understand that there are countries outside America, countries where people are poor and have no time to waste in small talk.

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