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  1. RohanOf ElvenPower

    may I ask a question? In Azure if you host something like a web app on a VM is that a Iaas? because you can choose the CPUs and storage of those VMs, their subnets, and NSG (network security groups) (equivalent to firewall) etc.

    And something like Azure Machine Learning Studio is PaaS because it’s more for building and testing machine learning scripts/apps ?

    1. TestPrepTraining

      You are correct. Hosting a web app on a VM is an IAAS; as you are responsible for managing everything from the Operating System to the application you are running, while azure manages CPUs, storaqe, networking and servers. If you use a service like Azure App Service, then its PAAS, since you only manage the data and the application itself, rest is managed by Azure. Thus Azure Machine Learning Studio is also a PAAS

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