I add an annual subscription to Saffron which is a SaaS product I'm working on and share how I coded it.
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"I Don't Need U 2 Say Anything (Free Download) [Hip Hop/LoFi Beat]" by Le Gang
I’d subscribe to saffron but i’m not allowed to cook ever since the incident
Sense of humor on tech channel,
I just tried your android app and give 5 stars.I’m suprised that web scraping part didnt fail in foreign language(Serbian).It scraps ingriedients and steps perfectly.Maybe someday you will show as that part of code.Great video.
He employed machine learning obvsly .
Thanks, I appreciate that! I’m thinking about writing a blog post or making a video about that.
@Ben Awad Please do :), would be very interesting to see how it works! Thanks!
@Nayn Yamish Nope.
I really enjoyed this video format. Please do more dev vlogs in the future!
This is a great style video Ben! Would love to see more like this! 🙂
Just checked out the site, it was very well done(pun intended)
awesome video man, thanks for sharing.
If you don’t mind me asking.. What was your motivation to use a SaaS like Paddle instead of just Stripe/Stripe Billing?
he answered that wuestion in ono of the replies above
Really liked this kind of vlog style programming progress video. Good stuff!
Finished design: https://twitter.com/benawad/status/1241778241045696517
I went with Paddle over Stripe because it handles VAT/Sales tax for you. I saw Stripe had some plugins for this, but they seemed more expensive until you got to higher transactional volumes.
I wish I had a Mom that could make me Figma sketches. Mine just just yells at me and tells me webshits aren’t real developers. Asks why I couldn’t be a C++ dev like my brother.
absolutely based mom
@Ten Minute Tokyo 2 Wow, you’re so cool!
My mom knows about me is, I can fix them and I use my computer a lot. But I am a frontend dev. ??.
Ben’s mom makes him FIGMA sketches.. The gifted one..
I love this style of video Ben. Hopefully to see it more in feature projects on your channel <3
Out of curiosity, how is the tech stack for this app? I assume there you are using React JS/Native and JWT/GraphQL for authentication? Thank you in advance!
I’ve started developing a little SaaS product in Laravel/React but I’d like to branch out soon to a native app too, so that’s why I’m wondering.
@Ben Awad Oh, shoot! I totally missed it. ?Thank you very much!
Hi Ben
Good job 🙂
Can you please share the code or parts of it?
Something to think about for 11 months from now are the requirements of running an annual recurring subscription vs. a monthly recurring. Monthly recurring requires no notification prior to charging and annual subscriptions do require advance notification to be able to charge. Also unless I missunderstood, typically you have to offer a discount or incentive for someone to subscribe for a year in advance. Added features or 10 to 15% discount would be a good start.
> Monthly recurring requires no notification prior to charging and annual subscriptions do require advance notification to be able to charge
Does it? I have a yearly LastPass subscription on auto renew and it does not reconfirm each year
> Also unless I missunderstood, typically you have to offer a discount or incentive for someone to subscribe for a year in advance.
Yep I’m giving a ~17% discount
@Ben Awad looking at my notes from a FTC /billing disclosure workshop I attended. if the recurring charge is anything beyond monthly (B2C) it requires notification 30-45 days advanced notification. I will look to see if I have any sources cited
do you write tests for your side projects?
Hi Ben, interesting content as always!
Could you please do a video on the most versatile software stack that you’d recommend for a project?
Many thanks!
@Ben Awad Thanks
never knew about paddle, will probably use it when i launch my SaaS
I would gladly hear about the business side of your project – how did you come up with the idea, did you validate it, how do you do marketing?
Hi Ben! Just curious, how do you prevent free accounts from paid features? What logics did you apply in your app? Is it a good idea to track every user actions and add a middleware to check if that action has an access to paid feature…? I’m currently building saas app with React on frontend, but trying to fix this problem. Thanks bro!
Hey Ben what kind of editor do you use? I’m thinking of switching out of sublime into VS code, but before doing so, I wanted to get different options.