CC29: Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) | Cloud Computing Services | IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
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Topics: Introduction, Cloud Enabling Technologies, Cloud Architecture, Services and Storage, Resource Management and Security in Cloud, Cloud Technologies and Advancements
Faculty: Arti Ranjan
University Academy is India’s first and largest platform for professional students of various streams that were started in 2017. University Academy comprises of a committed band of highly experienced faculties from various top universities or colleges of India.
#CoudComputing #ArtiRanjan #EngoneeringSubjects #OnlineCourses #AcademicSubject
This channel is providing the complete lecture series of following Subjects/Programming Languages.
First Year:
Programming For Problem Solving:
C Programming For Beginners:
Basic Electrical Engineering:
Second Year:
Data Structure:
Theory of Automata and Formal Language:
Operating System Tutorial in Hindi:
Python Programming A Practical Approach:
Third Year:
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA) in Hindi:
Compiler Design:
Principle of Programming Language:
Web Technology In Hindi:
Data Warehousing and Data Mining in Hindi:
Database Management System:
Cyber Security Tutorial In Hindi:
Fourth Year:
Distributed System Tutorial In Hindi:
Cloud Computing :
Programming Course
Android App Development:
C Programming: Practical Approach in Hindi:
JavaScript in Hindi:
Java Programming in Hindi:
JFLAP/TAFL Lab (Theory of Automata Lab):
Tech News:
My Gadgets for Video Recording
My TV:
My Mic:
My Laptop:
My Tripod:
My Mobile Cum Camera:
My Earphone:
My Smart Watch:
My Lighting Set:
My White Board:
White Board Marker & Duster:
University Academy
WhatsApp: +91-9311825328
seriously mam bhoot aacha pda rhe ho aap thankyou so much itna aacha content provide krne k lie.
Watching an hr before the exam.HAHA