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Booknetic SaaS – WordPress Appointment Booking system

Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking system

Web site:
Download link:

Booknetic is the best booking plugin that allows customization and automation of online appointments on WordPress.
Easily set up comprehensive booking forms and payment gateway to boost occupancy and enhance customer service.



    1. Richard Beezley

      @FS Code I understand they are both booking plug-ins, but Amelia also has events. I see this is a planned feature on your roadmap for Booknetics. When is this expected to be available.

    1. FS Code

      Hi there!

      Thanks for your interest.

      You can get a monthly or annual subscriptions from your customers right now. The subscription feature will be added to the plugin in the future.

      Demo: https://demo.booknetic.com/saas/wp-admin/admin.php?page=booknetic-saas

      Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/BSofEiIOIf0

      If you decide to continue with Booknetic, please use the link to purchase the plugin: https://1.envato.market/R4Mm9

      Click the drop-down button to select the extended license. When you activate the plugin with the extended license, the SaaS version will be available for you: http://prntscr.com/vu0ze0

    1. FS Code

      Hi there!

      Thanks for your interest.

      Yes, your Tenants can use Woocommerce to get pyments from their customers.

      We also plan to add a feature in the future so that SaaS admins can recevie subscriptions from Tenants via Woocommerce.

      Demo: https://demo.booknetic.com/saas/wp-admin/admin.php?page=booknetic-saas

      Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/BSofEiIOIf0

      If you decide to continue with Booknetic, please use the link to purchase the plugin: https://1.envato.market/R4Mm9

      Click the drop-down button to select the extended license. When you activate the plugin with the extended license, the SaaS version will be available for you: http://prntscr.com/vu0ze0

    1. FS Code

      Hi there!

      Yes, that what Booknetic SaaS for.

      Demo: https://demo.booknetic.com/saas/wp-admin/admin.php?page=booknetic-saas

      Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/BSofEiIOIf0

      If you decide to continue with Booknetic, please use the link to purchase the plugin: https://1.envato.market/R4Mm9

      Click the drop-down button to select the extended license. When you activate the plugin with the extended license, the SaaS version will be available for you: http://prntscr.com/vu0ze0

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