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Appointment Setting – SaaS – Outreach Services Hill Productions & Media Group – LIVE CALL

We would love to work with you!
www.HillProductionsandMediaGroup.com – WEBSITE
641.664.1216 – PHONE
info@hillproductionsinc.com – EMAIL



  1. SuS A07

    ???? i have a same job rn and dam i can feel how hard it is to set up an appointment but most of en think it’s scam and scold us but lol who cares that’s the part of it. well, you did a great job lol

  2. Zhoustify Marketing

    Awesome video, a little pointer during the end right there would be asking what would they be looking to see happen or the proof they would need to justify doing business with you on Thursday, on the spot. Just so you guys can have that ready. Whether it be examples of who you’ve helped, case studies, customer testimonials or perhaps references they can talk to and see how they liked working with you guys.

    Side note, we’re actually about to publish our first case study and review of other case studies for a landing page/lead form building book. I’d love to work with you guys in collaboration for the release next month!

  3. Mike Cronan

    No offence but this is quite poor. No pain points, no emotional pull, it was very pleady and but pushy. Someone says “we are okay” you can’t reply “yeah but I think the appointment will be good for you”. You can tell she probably wouldn’t tske the meeting or take things further once she hangs yp

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