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Lecture -6 Software as a Service in Cloud Computing || Saas in Cloud Computing

Software as a Service in Cloud Computing || Saas in Cloud Computing

#Saas #CloudComputing

same video in English

cloud computing playlist hindi

infosys training experience in English

Infosys Training Experience in Hindi

My 2nd YouTube channel (Cse Videos in English)

Some must watch videos ????

TCS NQT( must watch)

What is Codevita

what is hackwithinfy:

most important video for STUDENTS

How to prepare for Interviews:

Linked List for Interviews :

java Interview Series for Placements


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There are videos related to various topics !
Do check them out guys!

Interview/ Placement related videos

java Interview Series for Placements


Cryptography playlist in hindi

Cryptography playlist in english

Amazon Interview questions

Compiler Design:

Linked List for Interviews :

Pointers in C :

computer graphics:

engineering economics:


.Net C# :

Programming in C

C PROGRAMS for beginners

Java Tricky videos/programs for interviews :

File Handling in C :

C Programming tips and tricks:

Abhishek VLOGS :

Concerts :



  1. Vanshika Kandoi

    Goodevening sir when you explain in starting you use to say that we have no control of changing mac into window or window in Mack after that when you explain benefit in it you use to say platform independency can you please solve it

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