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#VMworld 2020 Clumio Video Interview with VMblog (SaaS Data Protection)

VMblog visits with Joe Ferguson, a cloud expert and cloud sales engineer at Clumio, ahead of VMworld 2020. Clumio is an innovator of authentic SaaS for enterprise backup. Using their secure service, organizations eliminate hardware and software for on-premise backup and avoid the complexity and cost of running third-party backup software in the cloud. As enterprises move aggressively to cloud, they can use Clumio to protect workloads like VMware Cloud on AWS and AWS native services.

In this video, we discuss trade shows like VMworld becoming digital events and what that means, how companies have moved to a work from home lifestyle, and how Clumio operates with VMware as a partner.

Watch and learn more as Ferguson explains more about the company's technology, and then, dives into a demo of the solution. Clumio's Enterprise Backup as a Service offering protects private cloud, public cloud, and SaaS with the same single, secure platform. The same uniform policies can protect VMs in VMware on-prem and VMware Cloud on AWS, greatly reducing operational complexity. Clumio's architecture gives customers a way to recover from ransomware or data loss by defining an air gap where data is safely stored outside of production, under separate credentials, fully encrypted, and in an immutable format. Their rapid recovery capability delivers cloud recovery performance that's faster than traditional hardware appliances and legacy tools – because only changed blocks are restored with their reverse change block tracking feature. They offer per VM pricing, with no egress charges resulting in robust data protection with predictable costs.

Learn more about Clumio by visiting: .

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