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The SaaS Sales Methodology – A Customer Centric Approach to Selling | Sales as a Science #1

Jacco van der Kooij from Winning By Design describes The SaaS Sales Methodology in context to other sales methodologies, and why SaaS needs its own methodology.

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0:00 Differences between sales methodologies
1:37 Where the majority of revenue in SaaS is actually made
2:51 The key metrics at each sales stage
4:45 The key roles across the SaaS sales cycle
5:51 Why this method works for recurring revenue businesses

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Want to reach out? contact@winningbydesign.com

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About Winning By Design:
We specialize in enabling teams to succeed with Remote Selling. Our roots come from advising and collaborating with high-growth startups and mid-market SaaS companies, and we now help global enterprise organizations apply those best practices to achieve sustainable growth. Trusted by 500+ organizations around the world.

The SaaS Sales Methodology – A Customer Centric Approach to Selling | Sales as a Science #1



  1. pkPer sonal

    My company just moved from a self-developed firm only to become a partner with Saas provider. We’ve been struggling with sales of the new products. This is what we are looking for. Thanks so much Jacco.

  2. Scott Marker

    Great explanation Jacco. At the end of the video, you write prospecting in between marketing and sales? Who is responsible for prospecting? I would say in today’s world prospecting should be done by marketing. Sales spend all their time listening and talking to prospective and existing clients.

  3. Paul Prijs

    As a technical founder it is hard to get excited about sales. This video however makes me excited how to get prospects and users trough each phase. I will use your video’s as a guideline in the coming months.

    1. Michael Aubry

      @whyte I’ll have to check that out. @paul I am in the same boat. I have been engineering for months, now I am putting a hold on code, only bug fixes. Working up to getting excited for sales also.

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