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Cloud Computing Service Models | IaaS PaaS SaaS Explained | Cloud Masters Program | Edureka

** Cloud Masters Program: **
This Edureka "Cloud Computing Service Models” video will help you get started with Cloud and different service models like IaaS , PaaS, SaaS in Cloud Computing. Following are the offerings of this Training session:

1. What Is Cloud?
2. What Is Cloud Computing?
3. What are Cloud Services?
4. Cloud Computing Service Models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
5. Deployment Models
6. Demo – Cloud Service Models

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#IntroductiontoCloud #whatiscloudcomputing #cloudcertifications #gettingstartedwithcloud #PaaS #EC2 #ElasticBeanstalk #CloudComputingServiceModels #CloudDeploymentModels #GoogleApps #WhatIsClous #Cloudtraining #Edureka


How it Works?

1. This program follows a set structure with 5 core courses and 5 electives spread across 13 weeks.

2. We have a 24×7 One-on-One LIVE Technical Support to help you with any problems you might face or any clarifications you may require during the course.

3. At the end of the training you will be working on a real time project for which we will provide you a Grade and a Verifiable Certificate


About The Course

This program follows a set structure with 5 core courses and 5 electives spread across 13 weeks. It makes you an expert in key technologies related to Cloud ecosystem. At the end of each core course, you will be working on a real-time project to gain hands on expertise.


Why enroll for Masters Program?

Cloud Architect Learning track has been curated after thorough research and recommendations from industry experts. It will help you differentiate yourself with multi-platform fluency, and have real-world experience with the most important tools and platforms. Edureka will be by your side throughout the learning journey – We’re Ridiculously Committed.


What are the objectives of this Program?

Our commitment to equip you with a 360-degree understanding of the Cloud Solutions means we cover a broad array of topics to ensure you build the best foundation for success, which includes: SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, AWS architect, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible and many more.


Who Should Go for This Program?

There are no prerequisites for enrollment to the Masters Program. Whether you are an experienced professional working in the IT industry, or an aspirant planning to enter the data-driven world of analytics, Masters Program is designed and developed to accommodate multitude professional backgrounds and allow its learners to have a successful journey in the IT industry.


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For more information, please write back to us at sales@edureka.co
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  1. Rakesh Kunchanapalli

    Great explanation! . I had a question?
    Which is cost effective Iaas or Paas? As u said that Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring etc..Suppose I don’t need scaling, I u will end up paying for that too using Beanstalk. Right?

    1. edureka!

      Hey Rakesh, sorry for the delay. If Paas is cost-effective or IaaS totally depends on what kind of service you are using & for what purpose you are using it. As for your second question, when you launch an environment in beanstalk you have the option to choose autoscaling group. Auto-scaling group automatically removes instances if your application doesn’t need them. So you don’t have to pay for what you don’t use. Refer to this link to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96DJ2Og90hU&t=39s

      Hope this helps!

    1. edureka!

      Hey Hashmi, it is not must but I would suggest that before taking this course you  learn and understand basic networking principles that  would hold you in a much better state to take this course. You may refer a book on Computer networks by Andrew S TannenBaum. It is a very good resource. I hope this helps. 🙂



    i am really interested to learn this technologies , as a network voice SME will you guide Me how i can start cloud computing learning and how i can practice cloud computing.

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