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How Much Money I Made from My SaaS Web App

I've been programming and designing video games for a long time but never made much as an indie developer. However, I used my coding skills and understanding of the gaming industry to build a SaaS web app (7D2DServerHosting) which has been my main source of passive income since October 2017.

▶ I'll be streaming on Twitch starting Dec. 2020:
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  1. Daniel Koss

    “I’m not very successful” Hey dude come on, don’t say that. You’re doing your thing instead of being someone’s slave. In my eyes you are successful and very knowledgable. Start counting your success by your inner values, not stupid goals like money or status.

    1. Hoover Zavala

      Will Kwan contents fullfill a niche of people like me who wanna be developers and entrepeneurs so yeah he is really awesome
      Tech Lead gives some good advices time to time, thats the only value he has thats why Tech Lead is ok to me but he is not a big deal

      Josh Fluke is a youtuber that likes coding but dont teach me how to code and loves bitching around about corporations, thats why in dont watch him anymore

    1. Sedit T

      Not enough people give it straight when it comes to this sort of thing, we generally hear some sugar coated outcome to how great everything is and how easy it was and the basic “If you work hard you will make it” Bullshit which is just not true. It is good to hear real figures from someone telling it like it is for a change and what has and has not worked.

    1. Ezwald Uzumaki

      its easy btw, learn c# and unity, keep grinding and building, try to copy other successful games but tweak and make them your own, branding and marketing and the way u put ur product out there, thats the key mostly.

      Why I dont do it? as a highschool student who got 3 more years in h.s, i still have an internship already in 2021 as a fullstack developer. plus the boss said if it goes well im allowed to work remotely, so ill prob work remotely while doing my bachelors in cs, i will prob start yt enxt yr, and perhaps dive into game dev after my bachelors, or i might even pursue a career in games engineering doing my master’s, other than that i can teach my self game dev lawl

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