How Much Money I Made from My SaaS Web App
I've been programming and designing video games for a long time but never made much as an indie developer. However, I used my coding skills and understanding of the gaming industry to build a SaaS web app (7D2DServerHosting) which has been my main source of passive income since October 2017.
▶ I'll be streaming on Twitch starting Dec. 2020:
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“I’m not very successful” Hey dude come on, don’t say that. You’re doing your thing instead of being someone’s slave. In my eyes you are successful and very knowledgable. Start counting your success by your inner values, not stupid goals like money or status.
no such thing as sucx or not, innerx or monx or statx etc doens matter
@rchavezj yeah wtf how. bots???
rchavezj handies
With no video content
How do you have 370k subs?!
“Im not very succesful, especially from my parents perspective” oh snap that hit me hard bro ? dont worry brother, as long as you trying ?? go get that bread brother
@Honest_Bishop nice upfront ness. looking for a developer/partner for a basic mind organiser app. could we connect?
“Werid flex But okay”
feel that
his parents should have been proud because they have a very smart son. haizz
That me hard bruh and im not even Asian, damn
u were around 8999 and then i subscribe your channel and u hit 9K. Congrats <3
Boy 125k now
Love to see a programmer break out from the corporate world. Keep it up.
u should watch joshua fluke then
@That Random Internet Guy you just rick rolled him ????
@Hellena Softwares I want do it, too. It’s inevitable not to feel afraid.
I’m give you a like, but the truth is I’m working in a corporate. 😀
@That Random Internet Guy Damn, it really has been too long. Watched the whole thing this time.
I love how honest this channel is
Seriously it’s the best
Yes I agree 100%
Whoever doesn’t live off of their parents in their 20s is successful for me.
What if you work in a family business? ?
Any small business that makes a profit is a success! Congratulations!
Wow, so I’m not the only programmer who constantly bounces between projects without completely finishing one
Same bro
Thats all of them. The baby boomer’s SHITTY, GLORIFIED SHOPPING CART of a project always comes first.
not really, most my project are done in less than 2 months. perhaps 7 from 10 projects. The rests are crap.
The Tech Lead + Graham Stephan = Will Kwan
@Hoover Zavala exactly
@Just Random
niche = small market segment
niche market = specific or limited consumer interest
Why on earth the word “niche” suggest to you that im saying im special??
@Hoover Zavala did you “niche”? A lot of people nowadays want to learn how to code including people who don’t have any computer background. You are not that special.
Will Kwan contents fullfill a niche of people like me who wanna be developers and entrepeneurs so yeah he is really awesome
Tech Lead gives some good advices time to time, thats the only value he has thats why Tech Lead is ok to me but he is not a big deal
Josh Fluke is a youtuber that likes coding but dont teach me how to code and loves bitching around about corporations, thats why in dont watch him anymore
@Adele I just watched 10 secs of the boy Graham and he looks like a swindler a can tell you that
Buddy, expand to other games! This was your MVP. If a few work, bring it all together under one single product focused on hosting servers for games.
Buy a mic please 🙂 I find you weirdly interesting.
Check the upload date. If you spot the recent videos, he has a mic. So, useless suggestion
@Sedit T i found your comment something i wanted to say, totally agreed
Not enough people give it straight when it comes to this sort of thing, we generally hear some sugar coated outcome to how great everything is and how easy it was and the basic “If you work hard you will make it” Bullshit which is just not true. It is good to hear real figures from someone telling it like it is for a change and what has and has not worked.
This has got to be the most honest under-rated high quality Developers experience channels I have ever seen. Will… You are bound for absolute success.
My relatives thought I was playing games not writing them and that I should get a real job like stacking shelves.
yooo this guy hahahaha, instant sub.
This echo is confusing maen.
Good vdeo though.
Agreed, good video! But the audio needs some work 🙂
I like it as he creates startups rather then doing just tutorials as other channel, he is unique as he has an entrepreneurial spirit.
Dude I am just finding this and this is inspirational. I want to get into something like this.
Good luck (= go f%#k yourself)
You can’t and you won’t. We all know this
@Ezwald Uzumaki I wouldn’t say it’s easy… But it’s fairly simple, just not easy.
its easy btw, learn c# and unity, keep grinding and building, try to copy other successful games but tweak and make them your own, branding and marketing and the way u put ur product out there, thats the key mostly.
Why I dont do it? as a highschool student who got 3 more years in h.s, i still have an internship already in 2021 as a fullstack developer. plus the boss said if it goes well im allowed to work remotely, so ill prob work remotely while doing my bachelors in cs, i will prob start yt enxt yr, and perhaps dive into game dev after my bachelors, or i might even pursue a career in games engineering doing my master’s, other than that i can teach my self game dev lawl
The “good luck” at the end earned my subscription LOL.
Same ?
Worked for me too 🙂
One of the best videos that i have watched about running SaaS so far. Keep it up buddy?
I remember coming across your website when looking up dedic. servers for 7dtd